研究简介: 小样本语义分割旨在通过使用少量标记数据来预测像素类别。现有小样本语义分割研究主要关注于在同一分布中采样基类和新类。然而,现实中数据分布并不能保证都在同一分布中,实际中显著存在的域偏移问题降低了小样本学习的性能。为了解决这个问题,我们引入了一个有趣且具有挑战性的跨域小样本语义分割任务,其中训练任务和测试任务在不同的域上执行。 跨域小样本学习 在学习过程中,我们使用一个元知识库来存储源域实例的域内样式信息并将它们传输到目标域样本,并且我们采用对比学习策略来约束迁移阶段新类的判别信息,由于源域信息的载入,目标域与源域的domain gap被有效降低。实验表明,我们提出的方法在4个数据集上的跨域少样本语义分割任务上取得了优异的性能。 模型结构设计
What is new
- Sep. 2023: 3 papers accepted NeurIPS'2023
- Mar. 2023: 9 papers accepted in CVPR'2023
- Mar. 2022: 11 papers accepted in CVPR'2022
- Mar. 2021: 7 papers accepted in CVPR'2021
- Feb. 2021: I will serve as the Area Chair of ACM MM'2021
- Feb. 2021: I will serve as the Associate Editor of the Journal of IJAC
- Nov. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of ICCV'2021
- Nov. 2020: I will serve as the Associate Editor of the journal of CJIG [中国图象图形学报]
- Jul. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of IJCAI'2021
- Jul. 2020: 3 papers accepted in ECCV'2020
- Jul. 2020: Glad to have my position promoted in the CEBSIT, CAS
- Apr. 2020: I am leading a “2035 Innovation Team”of AI fundermental research in CASIA
- Mar. 2020: 2 of the 5 papers selected as oral (top 5%) in CVPR'2020
- Feb. 2020: 5 papers accepted in CVPR'2020
- Jan. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of ACM MM'2020
- Jan. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of CVPR'2021
- Dec. 2019: I have been an Associate Editor of IEEE T-CSVT
- Sep. 2019: I have been an Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition