研究简介: 在计算机视觉中,微调是一种实用的利用预先训练的视觉模型来执行下游任务的方法。然而,由于这类方法多采用低效的全局参数更新策略,以及严重依赖于高质量的下游数据,在实践中部署非常具有挑战性。最近,基于prompt learning的方法增加了与任务相关的提示以使下游任务适应预训练模型,极大地提高了许多自然语言下游任务的性能。在这项工作中,我们将这种显着的迁移能力扩展到视觉模型中,作为微调的替代方案。为此,我们提出了视觉提示调整(VPT),这是一种参数有效的视觉调整范式,可将冻结的视觉模型适应到下游数据。 VPT 的关键是基于提示的调优,即只学习与输入图像连接的特定任务视觉提示,并冻结预训练模型。通过这种方式,VPT 只需训练少量额外参数即可生成紧凑且稳健的下游模型。大量实验有力地证明,我们的方法在十五个下游视觉数据集上优于当前的调整范例,包括图像损坏、对抗性示例、长尾分布和OOD问题等。 VPT结构示意图
What is new
Sep. 2023: 3 papers accepted NeurIPS'2023
Mar. 2023: 9 papers accepted in CVPR'2023
- Mar. 2022: 11 papers accepted in CVPR'2022
- Mar. 2021: 7 papers accepted in CVPR'2021
- Feb. 2021: I will serve as the Area Chair of ACM MM'2021
- Feb. 2021: I will serve as the Associate Editor of the Journal of IJAC
- Nov. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of ICCV'2021
- Nov. 2020: I will serve as the Associate Editor of the journal of CJIG [中国图象图形学报]
- Jul. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of IJCAI'2021
- Jul. 2020: 3 papers accepted in ECCV'2020
- Jul. 2020: Glad to have my position promoted in the CEBSIT, CAS
- Apr. 2020: I am leading a “2035 Innovation Team”of AI fundermental research in CASIA
- Mar. 2020: 2 of the 5 papers selected as oral (top 5%) in CVPR'2020
- Feb. 2020: 5 papers accepted in CVPR'2020
- Jan. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of ACM MM'2020
- Jan. 2020: I will serve as the Area Chair of CVPR'2021
- Dec. 2019: I have been an Associate Editor of IEEE T-CSVT
- Sep. 2019: I have been an Associate Editor of Pattern Recognition